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HEART IQ & Its Key Assumptions


You are whole as you are—you do not need fixing and you are not broken.

The processes shared are not about getting rid of anything; in fact, the more you make something wrong and deny it, the stronger its hold on you. When you can claim all of who you are, without collapsing and making any one part your true identity, then what  you thought was holding you back ceases to control you.

Sustainable change can only come about when you first accept who you are as you are without making it wrong; to access and express more of who you are, you first need to love what is.

   Your Authentic Self is who you are being when you are aligned with your deepest truth about yourself. You are not who your think you are. You are who you are when you stop thinking.


You are far more vast and profound than your mind-centered identity.

You were born with so much access to the range of sensory, emotional, energetic and intuitive experiences possible in life. You were born powerful and fully alive.

But perhaps you had experiences that were far less than loving and supportive to openness and authenticity. To avoid the pain of such trauma, you may have disconnected from it, losing along the way your innate Heart Intelligence.

   Heart Intelligence is the art of remembering, integrating, and practicing the four skills of Listening to your heart, Following your heart, Opening your heart, and Communicating from your heart.


Heart Intelligence is not only about the intelligence of your heart—it is about the intelligence of every part of your being combined as a whole.

Your mind is not the ony part of you that has intelligence! Your physical body has intelligence, as does your emotional body, your vitality or life force, and  your intuition—and all of those aspects of you interact with the world and have information for you to help you live a more integrated, authentic, and enjoyable life. The key is to listen to and follow the information on all these levels in the present moment; not what happened in your body 10 years ago or one tear ago, not what you felt as you read this a second ago, but what is moving RIGHT NOW.


It is enjoyable and life is richer when you listen to and follow your heart. 

When you get still, listen to, and act from the guidance of your heart's intelligence (going far beyond all that is spinning in your mind), you will feel more in life, receive more from others, and give more of yourself to the world.


The purpose of life is to come into your joy.

You do not need to focus on understanding your blocks and fixing your issues. When you get clear on what you truly want and keep moving in the direction of your deepest joy, then your "issues" will emerge as roadblocks to navigate and move through.

    You have a lifetime of strategies built up to defend yourself from experiencing too much joy. If you follow your pain, you can get lost in it. If you follow your joy, your pain will show up to be healed, not to knock you off course. 


Stillness and Embodiment are key practices to come back to at any time; they are the foundation of this work.

They are qualities needed throughout this work and throughout your life that can help you experience the sustainable change you want.

   Stillness is required to listen to, follow, and act on your heart’s intelligence. There is stillness also in movement; it is a not just a physical stillness—it is a settling, an internal slowing down that allows things to settle so that you can see clearly and act consciously.

Embodiment means to establish and keep a strong relationship with your body. Without embodiment you can understand concepts intellectually or connect to a truth spiritually but they do not get grounded into your body. Without embodiment, you can be aware of and access what you know consciously, but you will not see the deeper truth that lies just out of your ken. Without embodiment, the energy of what you share can be experienced as flat and lacking in juice or truth.


A key step to creating any change is to be aware of what is going on for you in any given moment.

You can't change anything before you know what is really going on for you now. One key is to know what you are feeling and thinking and what is holding you back in any moment.  Knowing what is moving in the moment allows you to discern between what is conditioning and what is true. You can then know what is your heart’s longing rather than what you are conditioned to think is the next step for you. Knowing what truly is allows you to know what you really want next.


There is no permanent state of enlightenment and this work does not supply quick fixes or magic pills.

When you want to bring about a real transformation in your life, consistent practice is required to integrate new ways of being in the world.  The key is coming back to the present moment, right now and practicing being Authentic again and again.


Empowerment comes through embodiment.

True empowerment is not about pushing through to a goal, it is about embodying the state of being you need to come into in order for you to be the person who then does what is needed for you to have what you want.

Embodiment is experiencing and expressing the qualities you want in your body, feeling the essence of what you want in your body rather than keeping it as an intellectual idea of a goal.


Clarity emerges after you make a decision.

Clarity about whether an action is right for you often won't emerge until after you take the first step. Take action and experience it. Deciding on a step to take and taking it is a part of the process of discerning your heart’s longing. Take action and then get still again. When you take a step to follow your heart and then listen to your heart again, the next step will be revealed.


You open your heart in relationship with others.

By sharing your experience with others, really being seen and felt by others and receiving them, you have more access to where you are at, what your heart desires, and what is holding you back. It is through relationship that you get to know yourself.


Meeting in circle with the common intention to connect to and share what is present and real creates an amplified field.

The amplified field is the space of heightened energy that is created when an entire group focuses their attention on their own and one another's hearts. The amplified field amplifies everything—it shows you to yourself, deepening your capacity to know more of who you are, access your deeper desires, and have the courage to take inspired action. The amplified field is like a catalyst that makes your transformation easier and accelerates your awakening.


You are me cleverly camouflaged as you.

What you see in another is within you—you may not have access to it in the present moment, but it is within you. In the amplified field of the circle, this concept is taken further. Everyone else present—either in person or on a call—is there for you, perfectly representing a part that is within you. By holding space for other members of the circle as they access and integrate the qualities that seem out of range for you, you have more access to those qualities yourself. Everyone else becomes your "medicine," and helps facilitate your breakthrough to a new place even as others are taking space.


Key Intentions of Heart Intelligence


The practice of heart Intelligence is designed to support you to:


Listen to your heart: Get still enough to witness what is really going on within you. Connect with the messages from your deeper, more authentic self and discern between your truth and the conditioning you are so often immersed in. SEE YOURSELF AND KNOW YOURSELF

Follow your heart: Take the inspired action that comes directly from the wisdom of listening to your heart. Continuously take steps to move along the path of your authentic self. LIVE YOUR TRUTH










Open your heart: open up to letting more of life in and letting more of who you really are out. Embody and expand your range of emotional, energetic, and relational expression. LET LIFE IN AND BE SEEN IN YOUR FULLNESS

Communicate from your heart: Dare to be vulnerable and communicate to others what is real for you in a way that lands. See and feel others beyond the stories that we all create about ourselves and others and see who we truly are. LET HEART-TO-HEART COMMUNICATION FILL YOU WITH JOY





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